How to tell your story

Telling your story is important as a small business. Jennie Cooper, Editor at We Make Media shows you how

I have always loved telling stories (sorry, Dad…) From a young age, I would eagerly chat about every little detail of a particular scenario, whether my audience was willing to listen, or not!

Perhaps this was where my love of journalism began and, thankfully, still loving storytelling, I have now become adept at tuning in to my audience! 

I am fascinated by how people live different lives and work in different situations and what it has taken to get us where we are. Although our journeys are different, there is something unifying about life and shared experiences, which extends to our working lives, as well as our personal/social ones. 

This is why telling your story is so important as a small business. Telling the story behind your business will resonate with your target audience and focus on the human aspect, rather than just the business side. Potential customers will feel like they know you a little, breaking down any initial barriers there could be from a faceless enterprise. 

If you struggle to discover your businesses brand and to tell your story, here’s where I would recommend starting. Ask yourself a few basic questions that customers will want to know: How did you get into your line of work? Why? What have you done before? What went right/wrong? Where are you going? What drives you? Why are you doing it? It doesn’t need to be a lifelong account, just a paragraph summing up why you love doing what you do, and how you can help. 

This will engage visitors to your site. It will help them understand where you are coming from and your business ethos. You will gain trust with your audience and your story will stick in their minds. 

If you struggle to find your story, or your voice, then I would advise asking your friends/family/colleagues about their impressions of you. What do you do well? What can customers expect when buying from you? This will give you a starting point to build your story around. 

We Make Media is a Devon-based web design company. We’ve been helping small businesses grow in the West Country since 2010. If you’re interested in refreshing your content, or website design for your business, we would be happy to discuss what you’re looking for and how we can help. Book your free discovery call.

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Jeff Cooper. 29 March 2023

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