A new offer of help from Taste Buds

We are offering a free-of-charge advert in our MarchApril21 issue.

Taste Buds has got an important role to play in supporting Devon’s food and drink businesses. Last spring, when Covid-19 was first making the headlines, we gave away £21,000 of advertising in our MayJun issue.

A year on, we’re in a situation none of us wanted to be in. So, once again, we would like to help.

We are offering a free-of-charge advert in our MarchApril21 issue. This is open to any Devon-based food and drink business, whether we already know you, or you are new to us. There’s no caveat, nothing to pay.

To accept your free advert email jeff@wemakemagazines.co.uk by 5pm Wednesday 17 February. Just say hello, tell us the name of your business and provide a contact email address. We'll book your space and send you an email to confirm.

Existing customers will not miss out. If you have already booked an advert in the MarchApril issue this will be free. You will receive an email requesting copy in the usual way, but you will not be charged.

Our MarchApril issue will be digital only. It will be sent to our database of 41,000+ subscribers, distributed on social media and via the Taste Buds website.

Moving forward, print is as popular as ever, and throughout 2020 we worked hard to secure more distribution outlets, putting us in an even stronger position once the food and drink industry is up-and-running again. 

Don’t forget, we can also help you via our social media channels. Tag @TasteBudsMag on Facebook or Twitter, and we will share and retweet to help you get your message to the widest possible audience.

There is hope for an easing of lockdown at some point this spring. Best of luck for the season ahead. We hope it brings everything you wish for.

Jeff and Jennie

Jeff Cooper. 10 February 2021

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A new offer of help from Taste Buds

We are offering a free-of-charge advert in our MarchApril21 issue.

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